

Not too sure I’ll ever be altogether ready. And my new health coaching website needs some more tweaking  with set up. BUT… has been officially launched!
In essence, like all of us under the Master’s hand, it has been a work in progress. With some help from my school’s web designer and a WHOLE lot of help from the Lord, I’m on my way to an Internet presence.
So please check out if you would. (Suggestions are always welcome!)
Watch for a new page about my health coaching business…or should I say, our health coaching business – Yeshua’s (Jesus) and mine.


 “The LORD has broken through my enemies before me like the breakthrough of waters!”  2 Samuel 5:20

Confession #1:  I am in a tight place, not the broad place I so freely write about…the cornerstone of this blog.

I’m not alone. The enemy has been in my neighborhood too. He has been relentlessly doing whatever he can to keep me from picking up my pen again.

In case you haven’t noticed yet…

The purpose of this blog is to encourage you to believe God wants to bring you to a broad place, to deliver you from the tight spaces. But these last few months I’ve been living in a distressed place. The enemy delights in seeing me muddle through my mess… trying to convince me God does not have a breakthrough for me. Your situation might be different, yet the words of doubt and accusations of inadequacy bombard all of us to steal our peace and purpose. I would imagine, based on the many, many lament psalms penned by David, that he was quite familiar with the enemy’s devices to discourage him. Yet he always ended in praise and knew God has the last word.

Confession #2:  I still haven’t had a breakthrough into the broad place.

Despite returning from a most awesome weekend spent with fellow Messianic believers soaking in truth about the breakthrough of waters.

But the water IS starting to trickle through. I know it is the Lord alone who will faithfully pursue me and His purposes for me. And God sent his messenger that weekend to encourage me to return to my keyboard. A stranger but a sister in the Lord approached me with apples of gold words to inspire me to pursue God’s calling to write. Like the slogan we’re so familiar with…just do it, just write!

So from the brokenness of being in that crushing season, I recall the seed that needs to die in the ground before bringing forth fruit. I believe by faith the trickles will accumulate to form streams and then cascades of water.

Perhaps it’s just having the eyes to see the trickles before the breakthrough.

One doesn’t have to search long in the Bible to find broken individuals with the enemy at their heels. There is always a “BUT GOD” to follow when their mighty God not only used them in their brokenness but brought victory and glory to His name.

Quite timely, I am now reading the book of Joshua. We love that book because of how often God reminded him to “be strong and courageous”. Clearly he was not. Yet to this day West Point Academy still uses his military strategies. Even after Joshua messed up by making a treaty with those sneaky Gideonites which brought on war after war, God delivered all the enemies into his hand. That’s quite a lot of victorious breakthrough.

Did Joshua recognize just when the breakthrough came? Was it when the land finally rested from war? (Joshua 11:23) Or did he acknowledge all the mini-breakthroughs along the way that led Israel to victory?

The enemy.  The breakthrough. It’s not a combination we would entertain. But in God’s Kingdom, it’s the perfect equation. Throw in a little brokenness in those God chooses to use (that would be you and me) and you’ve got quite a page turner.

Word Search

I never quite got into Word Searches or Sudoku. And crossword puzzles are definitely not my cup of tea.

But the one Word Search that does keep my interest is the search for answers in the Word of God. I am always amazed where my journey takes me. When I fall upon an “Aha” moment, it’s as if I’ve found a hidden treasure waiting just for me.

Recently, I was confronted with a troubling family circumstance and needed God’s wisdom about the situation. As God began to connect the dots for me, I found myself at Exodus 14:13. “Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today.”

The Hebrew translation of the word “salvation” in this verse is Yeshua. (Sound familiar?)

Digging deeper into its primitive root, Yasha…lo and behold; it means an ample, broad space as applied to freedom and deliverance from dangers and distresses. The Israelites were squeezed in between a massive body of water before them and Pharaoh’s angry Egyptian warriors behind them. Soon they would experience the greatest miracle of all… saved and delivered by the Lord God Himself.


While I was going through my cancer treatments, I often found strength in this vivid image of walking through dry land while surrounded by a formidable enemy. Although this current family situation wasn’t as severe as chemotherapy, I still needed to be delivered to that place of freedom only the Lord can provide. Life is full of broad places and the Lord is eager to take each one of us there.


All it takes is a little Word Search.

Wig Meets18-Wheeler

While writing a page about The Cancer Journey here on A Broad Place, I remembered an event that taught me about contentment. And surely about God’s goodness.

Just prior to my second chemotherapy treatment, my hair started falling out at alarming rates. No longer a few strands in my comb or collecting a small pile around the shower drain.  Huge clumps were falling out with no effort on my part. In anticipation of the inevitable, the American Cancer Society had generously given me a stylish wig similar to my own hair color.

This change in my appearance and health coincided with a new management company taking over at my job. Meaning new bosses, new health insurance plan and proving myself professionally. Lots of stress added to my new normal.

The day finally came when I could no longer show up at work au natural, hoping no one would notice the bare spots on my head. The wig needed to make its debut from wig stand to human head (mine). That day also involved a visit from a very fashion-wise employee from the head office. No pressure there. I was a bit apprehensive how I would pull off this new look.  Did I mention that the wind chill that day was probably in the teens following an overnight snow? Quite a set-up for intrigue, if not disaster.

All bundled up and ready to face the day, I stopped at the end of the driveway to cross the street to get my mail. I live on a main road and for some inconvenient reason, my mailbox is across the street. Over the years, I’ve dodged a few near misses to my life.  And as of this writing, I have managed not to get creamed crossing the road to get the mail.

Stepping out onto the slightly slushy pavement, I successfully crossed over to the other side, collected my mail and cautiously avoided my boots making contact with that side-of-the-road mush of wet dirt-snow.  (There must be an appropriate word for that mush, but I can’t find it in the Thesaurus). As I turned around to look both ways, it seemed out of nowhere, a monster 18-wheeler came barreling down the road. The next thing I knew… as he whizzed by me creating a gigantic gust of wind…my perfectly coiffed, designer wig was no longer on my head, but in mid-air!   In horror I held out my hands to catch it before it landed in that undefinable mush. Even if the roads were bone dry, would this be a scene I’d want to play out to the end? All I can say, is that those angels of mine …however many there were…were much more agile than I was.  For surely they caught the wig and gently placed it in my outstretched arms. Absolute disaster averted.

Alas, I did not return home, crawl under the covers and call in sick. Instead, by the grace of God, I made it safely across the street with my (dry) wig in hand, got in my car and began my commute to work.  By the time I drove a couple miles down the road, I was hysterical laughing.  Wow, does God have a sense of humor! And how blessed I am that He shares this side of Himself with me to help me get through life’s bumps (and 18-wheelers) in the road.

Rich Fulfillment

“We went through fire and through water, but You brought us out to rich fulfillment.”  Ps 66:12

I have been in some pretty tight spaces these past few years. Devouring Fire. High waters. Physical and emotional pain. Grief. Caught in the net. Affliction on my back. (Ps 66:11) Next step: unknown.

I have been so blessed with love and support from those who’ve walked alongside me, holding up my arms like Aaron and Hur. Yet in the dark night of the soul…alone is alone. Single occupancy bed – which actually motivates one to cling desperately to the only One who can provide comfort and wholeness.

What those nasty locusts (Joel 1:4) tried to destroy and steal, God has restored. One day, rich fulfillment came with my daughter’s change of address. After 7 difficult years of facing fiery trials in separate zip codes, she and my new son-in-law moved within a 25 mile radius. As the two newlyweds start their own life, the three of us also have more possibilities to do life together. The smallest of experiences are cause to rejoice and be glad of our new geographic proximity.  Stopping by work for a brown bag lunch…celebrating Shabbat dinners together…making new traditions that were on hold for such a long time. And not the least of all circumstances – what does a Mama’s heart good is knowing when her baby is sick she can stop by with some chicken soup if needed.

Restoration has also occurred as we move forward in our grief journey. Recently, my husband’s would-have-been 60th birthday fell during Chanukah. Each year since he’s gone I’ve been alone, wondering how to commemorate it. This year, December 6th was extra-special. Not only did my daughter continue his tradition of THE BEST latkes on this planet, but we celebrated this special day together…doing life in that broad place of rich fulfillment. God surely is good!

Shield of Grace

If ever there was a day when abundant grace was needed, it was the day of my daughter’s wedding.  And God was so faithful to provide grace upon more grace! Though her beloved father was not present, my daughter’s Heavenly Father walked alongside her with every step she took towards her groom. The Lord’s sweet presence and His steadfast love replaced any bittersweet thoughts of our great loss.  On this very special day, He gave our family beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for mourning.


The 25th

25th of Kislev  –  25th of December

Two different dates representing such different things to different people.  And yet…how blessed is the person who recognizes the common thread in both.  The 25th of the Hebrew month of Kislev (which BTW has the potential to fall on December 25th) is the first day of Hanukkah or the Festival of Lights. The world acknowledges, even if they don’t believe, December 25th to be the birth of Jesus Christ. Or as He is known in Hebrew, “Yeshua HaMashiach.”

The common denominator?  Light, of course. Legend has it that the Maccabees found a small amount of oil to light the lampstand in the Temple, hopefully enough for one night. And as the story goes, it lasted 8 days and nights…thus starting the tradition of an 8-day celebration.  Lighting the menorah each night is one of the highlights of the holiday. Unless you’re a kid who eagerly anticipates getting a present each of the 8 nights.

The Old Testament foretold of a Great Light which would come onto the earth to dispel the darkness that engulfs mankind:

​​The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;  Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death; ​​upon them a light has shined. Isa 9:2

We find this same passage quoted in the New Testament in Matthew 4:16, referring to Yeshua, the Light of the World, who came just as promised.

As we light the Hanukkah candles, we are reminded of God’s faithful promises to shine His light into the darkness and restore what was lost in the Garden.

A New Broad Place


Shortly after I realized I still had lot to learn about launching a website, God pointed me in another direction towards my next broad place. It still astounds me when I think what doors He has opened up for me. Over a year ago, I went to a seminar on nutrition for cancer survivors. Besides walking away with so much valuable information, I was energized to take steps to reclaim my health before cancer struck.

So I set aside my plans for this blog and pursued an online program to become an integrative nutrition health coach. Only by God’s strength and grace was I able to commit to a rigorous year-long program and graduate with an integrative nutrition health coach certificate. I’m still not quite sure where He will take me on this path.  But this much I do know… He has miraculously brought healing and restoration to my physical body, spirit and soul. What a broad place He has led me to!!

He’s in the driver’s seat, so I’m looking to Him to direct my next step. I’m currently working on my health coaching website and will definitely provide a link for those interested in transforming their health through simple lifestyle and dietary changes. I have to chuckle when I think that until very recently, I didn’t know how to insert a correctly sized image and now I’m creating a 2nd website.  Well, it is said that with God, ALL things are possible!

Website blunders

If life is a journey, then setting up a website as an over 30-something computer illiterate is like maneuvering an obstacle course blindfolded.  What really was I thinking when I decided to go with a “self-hosted” website instead of a pre-designed blog? Well here I am, and so are you…hopefully full of grace to look past the non-existent bells and whistles, the embarrassing imperfections and reach the real purpose…to find encouragement to the challenges you face in this journey called life.

And maybe, just maybe, with God’s help, I will look back at these meager beginnings and say, “Look what the Lord has done” with this ever-so-less-than-perfect website.

In the meantime, thanks for your grace and support.



I have a thing with dates. I sometimes wish I didn’t, but I do. And that might surprise some of you who are reading this first post, as I’ve missed plenty of birthdays and anniversaries of those dear to me. And maybe even you. (Sorry.)  But I think it goes back to Joshua crossing the Jordan and making memorial stones to remember God’s faithfulness. God repeatedly makes mention of dates in the Bible, so I hope I am on the right track.  Remembering certain events  in my life causes me to reflect on His goodness and faithfulness. That, I hope, is and will be the purpose of this website.


This blog has been on my “To Do” list for quite some time and I don’t want to admit how long ago I purchased the domain name, “A Broad Place”.  But the last couple days of recalling my memorial stone of  January 14, 2016, I was determined to get this up and running. Or at least hosted and trying to lamely figure out the next step.

On January 14, 2016,  the Lord delivered me from death itself. In a moment’s time,  I found myself gasping for breath due to an allergic reaction to some serious chemotherapy drugs rushing through my bloodstream. He swooped down in great power and love to say, “No, I’m not done with you yet, I’m here to rescue you.” I do not minimize the efforts of the excellent doctor and nurses who attended to me, but I give glory to God for using them to save my life.

To celebrate life and new beginnings…thought this would be a great day to start my website. I’ve probably taken out of the library every “Dummies” book on blogging, creating a website, etc, but I’m still pretty clueless, so please bear with me while I learn my way.