Rich Fulfillment

“We went through fire and through water, but You brought us out to rich fulfillment.”  Ps 66:12

I have been in some pretty tight spaces these past few years. Devouring Fire. High waters. Physical and emotional pain. Grief. Caught in the net. Affliction on my back. (Ps 66:11) Next step: unknown.

I have been so blessed with love and support from those who’ve walked alongside me, holding up my arms like Aaron and Hur. Yet in the dark night of the soul…alone is alone. Single occupancy bed – which actually motivates one to cling desperately to the only One who can provide comfort and wholeness.

What those nasty locusts (Joel 1:4) tried to destroy and steal, God has restored. One day, rich fulfillment came with my daughter’s change of address. After 7 difficult years of facing fiery trials in separate zip codes, she and my new son-in-law moved within a 25 mile radius. As the two newlyweds start their own life, the three of us also have more possibilities to do life together. The smallest of experiences are cause to rejoice and be glad of our new geographic proximity.  Stopping by work for a brown bag lunch…celebrating Shabbat dinners together…making new traditions that were on hold for such a long time. And not the least of all circumstances – what does a Mama’s heart good is knowing when her baby is sick she can stop by with some chicken soup if needed.

Restoration has also occurred as we move forward in our grief journey. Recently, my husband’s would-have-been 60th birthday fell during Chanukah. Each year since he’s gone I’ve been alone, wondering how to commemorate it. This year, December 6th was extra-special. Not only did my daughter continue his tradition of THE BEST latkes on this planet, but we celebrated this special day together…doing life in that broad place of rich fulfillment. God surely is good!