Letting go…Moving On

Letting go…Moving on

“There is great power in letting go and there is great freedom in moving on.” Anonymous
I found this quote on a calendar I picked up at a local business. It could just as well been written for a grief support resource. Immediately I related it to the grief journey I’ve been on these past 7 years.
How timely to find this thought on the August calendar page.  July has always been a very tough month for me – so many dates to remind me of my profound losses and painful stages of my husband’s decline. But as I steadily approached the 7 year mark when the calendar page turns to August, I realized that this past July was not quite as difficult as the last seven have been. Could it be I was letting go and moving on?
Power…freedom. The quote might be penned by a worldly writer, but the original source is undoubtedly the Living God.  The Holy One of Israel has faithfully taken me by His strong right hand and upheld me through many, many Dark Nights of My Soul.  Power and freedom are His specialty. By His grace He excels in showering His children with the victory that results.
The quote got my brain working and led me to God’s truth in His Word.
“He gives power to the weak. And to those who have no might He increases strength.
But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”  Isaiah 40:29, 31
I have been waiting on the Lord for some time now. Without a doubt, not so very patiently or fruitfully. But with the mustard seed of faith to keep on waiting, God has been faithful to give me strength and grace to continue the waiting game.
At this crossroads…completion of 7 years of mourning and waiting for my purpose to unfold, the Lord is fulfilling His promise to me in Isaiah 40.  Mounting up like eagles…running not being weary…walking not faint…renewed strength. Power and freedom.
The completeness of year #7 does not mean my grief is over, never to be revisited. I will always grieve the loss of my beloved husband in some manner. Yet, my mourning is slowly turning into dancing, as the Holy Spirit comforts and guides me into His plan and purposes.
Yes, it’s all the work of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah!
Power to let go…And God both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power. 1 Cor 6:14
 Freedom to move on…Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Cor 3:17