
Daylight Savings Time brings hope, renewal and gratefulness for extended hours of daylight to enjoy life’s pleasures. Increased daylight hours also mean reduced nighttime driving and a greater window of time to reach one’s destination.

Driving as dusk falls is more challenging for me than nighttime driving. It’s that in-between time when the sun begins to set and my eyes have trouble adjusting to reduced visibility. My eyes seem to play tricks on my perception of what’s really ahead on the road.

The Bible has much to say about the differences between light and darkness. We formerly belonged to the kingdom of darkness as we stumbled around hoping we’d land in the right spot. If we are in Christ, we now are children of the light and are called to walk in the light.

In these days of compromise, deception, and no absolutes in the world, is it possible to confuse the light with the dimmer dusk? That in-between place can be unclear, especially if we do not regularly renew our minds with the Word. We can easily get caught up in that gray area of uncertainty which can then cause us to stumble until darkness begins to engulf us. Spiritual dusk occurs when clarity of vision is impaired. That gray area can be tricky…even a stumbling block. Just as our eyes can deceive us when driving during dusk, we can also be deceived if we don’t see our surroundings from God’s perspective.

Thankfully, just like turning the car’s headlights on to see clearer in the dark, we can turn to the light that illuminates our spiritual vision. Psalm 119:105 tells us, “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Thank you, Lord! If we’ve been caught up in that spiritual dusk, it may take a bit more time to regain a clearer vision. But God is faithful to lead us back into the light. He doesn’t want us to remain in the in-between but bring us into the light.

When I find myself in the spiritual dusk, I’m usually barely aware I’ve wandered from God’s light. Before I take that sharp turn toward darkness, God’s word rescues me from the lies that so easily tempt me away from His truth. As long as I turn to it! We always have a choice to take the lighted path, get stuck in the dusk, or proceed into darkness.

“Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going.” John 12:35