Small Birds and Big Messages

I delight in seeing birds around my home. God often shows me something about them relating either to a current situation or revealing more about His character and my walk with Him.

Recently, looking out my window I noticed a brown-speckled bird purposefully searching for his breakfast. We’ve had a relatively mild winter, so he was able to poke holes in the softer-than-usual ground. He indeed had a mission and with persistence, he found a tasty breakfast as his reward. I have witnessed this exact scene many times over and I never tire of God’s reminder of His provision.

If God feeds the birds, how much more will He feed and provide for me, His beloved child?? (Matthew 6:26) And you too! He provides the birds with an unlimited supply of worms, and He faithfully supplies all our needs according to the riches of His mercy. Top on the list of provision is His fresh manna every day. Just exactly what we need, nothing more, nothing less.

I also noted the bird’s perseverance. As my bird friend showed me, he diligently kept poking his beak into various spots until he found what he was searching for. Sometimes, when we are seeking God with all our heart, soul, and mind for His will, it is easy to give up before we get the answer we are searching for. Or we get distracted by other tasks and interests. The manna is still there waiting to be unearthed.

The other day on a walk in the woods, I noticed a bird with a large wing span fly across my path and land on a tree, then another tree. I followed him with my eyes but he was too far away to determine what kind of bird it was. I was a bit disappointed I couldn’t get a closer look, but this scene clearly wasn’t about classifying his species type.  I asked the Lord what He was saying to me. He brought me peace about being alone like the bird because He was with me. He reminded me of the scripture in Psalm 68 about setting the solitary in families, something I have been recently questioning. Just as my bird friend landed securely at the next destination point, God was the one who set him there, charting his course, even rising above storms that may come his way. His smooth, effortless flight from one tree to another displayed God’s grace and strength to reach his destination. He does the same for me and will continue to do so by His grace in order to reach the next place or season He’s planned.

It was such an important message for me to hear that particular day. I’m so grateful God uses birds and nature to show His sovereignty and goodness to me. I hope you may also be encouraged to see God’s goodness in everyday occurrences. It doesn’t have to be wildlife, but God will always speak to you in a language that is meaningful to you.