The Big C

When you have the Big “C”, (Christ), the other Big “C” (Cancer) becomes a Little “C”.

It’s a journey no one would ever sign up for. And for those who are close to one with a cancer diagnosis, it’s not on their wish list either.

My cancer journey is not nearly as horrific as others’. No, I would never have chosen a breast cancer diagnosis, no matter how early the stage. And yes, I did the whole nine yards – surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. But oh, how my faith and dependence grew on the One who sustained me through it all.

The “all things” in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” takes on a new meaning when you’re battling cancer. Remember the context of the strength we receive from Christ. It is easy to forget what Paul tells us in verses 11 & 12…Remain content in all situations. Even when the prognosis is dire. Even when you’re watching the poisonous drugs infused into your bloodstream. Even when you don’t recognize the bald-headed person in the mirror. And especially when severe fatigue strikes and you do not have a single ounce of strength to move a single inch.

How?  How is it humanly possible to be content in these circumstances? Actually, it’s not humanly possible, but only supernaturally possible by the abundant grace of God. Cancer has a way of humbling us, which sets us up to receive all the grace God has to give.

The Good Book becomes The Greatest Book in times of adversity. If you don’t know where to start, just camp out in the Psalms.  There you will find comfort and restoration for everything that troubles you. In the Dark Night of Your Soul, the Word of God comes alive in ways not possible when life is humming along smoothly. I consider my most valuable resource through this unchosen path to be the Word.

The Lord also makes available other helpful resources that can ease the transition into “a new normal”.
