New Door of Hope

As I wrote in my book Powerless to Powerful – there is ALWAYS a door of hope waiting for us. And God is the One who opens it. The door of hope is straight from the Scriptures in Hosea.

When I find myself in a wilderness season, I turn to Hosea chapter 2. It seems the wilderness, the Valley of Trouble, and the door of hope go hand in hand. The location, the problem, and the solution in one not-so-neat package…yet part of our walk with God.

I know well about these dry wilderness seasons, how to spot them, and yes, even to embrace them. That season seems to occur often in my life, especially since my husband died 10 years ago. It is not just about being alone or lonely, (there is a difference between the two) which can certainly be part of widowhood. It’s knowing that it’s just Jesus and me in a dry place. And that my friend, is where God does His best work… in me…in you. The work seems to start in the wilderness, where it is easy to forget the door of hope is around the corner. We can be in the wilderness for the long haul and as it drags on, it is important to hold on to the promise we will find the door of hope.

Hosea 2:14-15 can be that truth to cling to. God has very definite purposes which He describes in these verses.

“Therefore, behold, I will allure her, Will bring her into the wilderness, And speak comfort to her. I will give her her vineyards from there, And the Valley of Achor as a door of hope; She shall sing there, As in the days of her youth, As in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt.”

What a word picture of God’s tender loving care over His children, especially as we face adversity! No matter what circumstances you face right now, doesn’t this promise of God bring you comfort?

One golden nugget from the scriptures can lead us to grab hold of the door of hope. Huge trials and small ones – God is always looking at us with love and guiding us out of the Valley of Trouble. One word, one dream, one display of His goodness – that’s all it takes. It doesn’t mean your troubles and trials disappear. But hope arises as we press on with Him.

As I write this, today is another day when just one word led me toward the path of hope and away from despair. Faced with a number of challenges out of my control to get my book launched, I came the closest to giving up I’d ever had before. I (hesitantly) reminded myself that God still has work for me to complete before I leave this earth. When I read about the death of Moses in the last chapter of the last book of the Torah – that was it! Oh, that some, mostly God, would say this about me, about my life! (Besides “good and faithful servant”.)

“Moses was 140 years old when he died. His eyes were not weak and his vitality had not left him.” Deuteronomy 34:7. Now that might not speak to you personally to encourage you to persevere, but for me…it allowed me to let go of discouragement and grab hold of the door of hope to lead me toward God’s plan.

Consider this treasure from Isaiah 43:19, as we turn the calendar to a new year. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Do you see the connection between the wilderness and hope for better days ahead?

As 2023 begins, especially in these uncertain times, I know with certainty a new door of hope awaits me. I have a history with Him of the new doors He’s opened. If there wasn’t the wilderness and a valley of trouble, there wouldn’t be a door of hope on the other side. Having said yes to my calling as a writer, I know He’s only just begun this journey. Eventually, one day (Maranatha!) that door of hope will lead to the ultimate Promised Land, eternity with Him. Until that day, I seek to follow Him wholeheartedly, opening every small door of hope along the way.

What about you?